
Showing posts from 2012

Buzkashi Boys-Screened in Afghanistan

GoPro video mounted on photojournalist lens gives a fun perspective

Where is Cuba Going -NY Times Article

Think Outside the Cell & VII

"Goodbye my Chechnya" at the Half King

Today, I feel like flying

Incredible images from the prisons of El Salvador by Tomas Munita for the NY Times

Exiled Cuban Photographer

Maciek Nabrdalik wins Pierre & Alexander Boulat Grant

Fen Shi Shan's "Two of us" project- a discussion on China's one child policy

VII Agency to produce doc film and photography project on Incarceration

Interactive documentary (like you've never seen) with Danfung Dennis

Angels Watch Over Memories of War-

Tom Lowe's TimeScape: A must see

Nancy Danino The Exclusive Soft Release Party

Stunning pictures of the Samburu people by Lyle Owerko

Ken Burns on Storytelling

Images from the opening event at Gotham

Why is this art?