
Showing posts from 2014

In Historic Speech Obama Begins to Revers 50 Years Of foreign Policy Towards Cuba

The Perfect Light And The Split Second That Lasted An Eternity

What Are We Celebrating During Thanksgiving? The Real Story

Turks and Caicos

The First Portrait I Ever Took

Remembering Cuba: Pictures I haven't shown

Middle School Lecture in the Bronx

Picasso: Light Drawings and His Psyche

Exhibition: Matt Black "From Clouds to Dust"

Our Hearts are on the Ground- Lecture and Screening

21st Century Cowboy

NYC Exhibition- Gwyn Joy

Los Intocables (The untouchables) - Erik Ravelo

Give a Beat; Did Music Change Your Life?

Before They Pass Away- Jimmy Nelson in Berlin

Taking a Visual Break from the Snow

Snow Day Pictures, New York City Waterfront