A New website:
Couple of noteworthy updates I wanted to share with you this summer:
I've been asked to contribute an article to Fuel your Photography. You can check out the story about my experience in Haiti during the crisis in 2004 at the link below. If you have a minute feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.
Blue Helmets and Kevlar Vests
There are seven new galleries on the website with new images including: nude&noir with 5 sub galleries, fashion&commercial with the latest campaigns and a new video gallery where you can see slide shows, shorts and behind the scenes from various photo shoots.
I will be in New York for most of the summer working on a two personal projects, but will still be available for gigs and collaborations. If your are interested in contacting to hire or even just to chat shoot me an e-mail at info@marlonkrieger.com. I wish you a wonderful summer and hope to hear from you soon.
Marlon K.