Huffington Post Publishes my Article on Education

Challenging Conventional Ideas of Education 
by Marlon Krieger

A boy looks out of the school window in Bolognese, Peru
"...We arrived by permission of the village Chief to discuss the school they had built for their community and to meet with some of their teachers. Our local guide for the day had gone to college in a nearby town of Atalaya, 10 hours away by canoe. He had come back to his village to change the education being delivered there. He explained to us that he wanted to bring education to his people, but not to teach them our [Western] ways; he'd seen how we lived and didn't like it. He wanted to use education to improve their lives, not change their way of life. They live simply and want to continue living their way, education would give them strength, he said."
To read the whole article please visit Huffington Post/Marlon_Krieger

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