Love Among the Ruins in Bosnia-Charlotte Eagar

The Daily Beast features photographer Peter Turnley’s pictures along with journalist Charlotte Eagar’s touching memoir.

Peter Tumley/Corbis

"War reporters say that you fall in love with your first war, and certainly that was true for me. I arrived in Bosnia in 1992, during the early days of the war, a young journalist discovering a land of forests, mountains, tumbling streams, and the blackened remains of minarets felled amongst the rubble of their mosques.

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the siege of Sarajevo, which began on April 5, 1992, when Serb snipers firing from the Holiday Inn killed two women participating in a peace march in front of the hotel."
To read on please visit the Daily Beast from Newsweek

Peter Tumley/Corbis

Peter Tumley/Corbis

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