Annalisa Iadicicco @ BronxArtSpace

2008. Mixed Media, 40” 1/2" x 33" x 36 © Annalisa Iadicicco

John Doe is a mixed media representation of themes that are always murmured silently but hardly expressed openly in the main stream. The goal is to bluntly highlight those issues so important and relevant such as abuse of power, racism, rage and deception in order to create a very clear and direct message to the audience. 
Executed with different materials such as police barricade, Chrome pipes and bullets shells, the artwork wants to reflect the multicultural identity and moral values of contemporary America, independently from what political wind is blowing.

Wednesday, March 3rd, 6pm - 9pm
Saturday, March 6th, 7pm - 10pm
BronxArtSpace: 305 East 140th Street, Bronx NY 10454
There will be live performances, experimental film, and visual art. The event will be free (donations accepted). The Synthetic Zero loft events will be part of the Bronx Culture Trolley. Note: the visual art exhibit will be open Fridays and Saturdays 2-7pm during the month of March 5-26.

Annalisa Iadicicco will have one of her installations on display among many other great artists. For a full list of artists check out Synthetic zero's website.

Annalisa Iadicicco

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