Stunning pictures of the Samburu people by Lyle Owerko

I found these to be very elegant; delicate and yet powerful at the same time. I have always had a fascination with native tribes and remember as a child flipping thourhg countless of beautiful photography books depicting the then very exotic imagery of native americans, and native africans in their traditional costumes. Although they are shot in a very similar style and although we have seen many of these types of images over the years Owerko's have a graphic elegance to them that i am really attracted to. A combination of their crispness, clean whites and graphic composition coupled with the warm eyes in the subject leave me with a very different feeling than I usually have after seeing tribal images. i don't feel like I am gawking, or the photographer stole a moment from his subject. i feel understanding and respect, which is passed on to me as the viewer.

Samburu 32 "Lowrider"
You can view these images and purchase small, medium and large prints through Clic Gallery

Samburu 38 "Young Samburu Girl"

Samburu 36 "Lolpusike the Warrior"

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